Tag: Lived Experience

  • 92: Emma Accepts Her Diagnosis

    Emma talks about therapy progress: internal communication, getting grounded, memory time, triggers, and accepting diagnosis. You can JOIN THE COMMUNITY HERE.  We have peer support check-in groups, an art group, a lego group, movie groups, and social events.  Additional zoom groups are optional, but only available by joining the groups. Join us!   To submit…

  • 91: Living in a Body

    Sasha talks about Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and how important it is to care for the body when struggling. You can JOIN THE COMMUNITY HERE.  We have peer support check-in groups, an art group, a lego group, movie groups, and social events.  Additional zoom groups are optional, but only available by joining the groups.…

  • 90: Sehr Gut

    Sasha reads and responds to listener emails. You can JOIN THE COMMUNITY HERE.  We have peer support check-in groups, an art group, a lego group, movie groups, and social events.  Additional zoom groups are optional, but only available by joining the groups. Join us!   To submit an email to the podcast:    podcast@systemspeak.com Content…

  • 88: Emma Hurts

    Emma talks about being afraid she is not strong enough.  It’s two months after the avoidance episodes and she is struggling with how real the pain is.  She briefly mentions outside children having trauma and being okay and pure now without details.  She is struggling with internal children being stuck in memory time and feeling…

  • 84: Emma Tries

    Emma reflects post-girls-weekend, including about getting to know others inside.  She talks about relationships internally, and trying to participate and repair internally.  The outside kids sing two songs. You can JOIN THE COMMUNITY HERE.  We have peer support check-in groups, an art group, a lego group, movie groups, and social events.  Additional zoom groups are…

  • 82: Emma Pays Attention

    Emma talks about trying to spend a weekend with friends, and learning how to make mistakes and recover from them.  Emma reflects on others inside and trying to track what is happening when she can’t remember.  She fights for her own independence in trying to be herself.  Some religious references at the end when she…

  • 79: Guest: Infinite System

    We talk to the Infinite System. You can JOIN THE COMMUNITY HERE.  We have peer support check-in groups, an art group, a lego group, movie groups, and social events.  Additional zoom groups are optional, but only available by joining the groups. Join us!   To submit an email to the podcast:    podcast@systemspeak.com Content Note:…

  • 78: Guest: Labyrinth System

    We talk to the Labyrinth System. You can JOIN THE COMMUNITY HERE.  We have peer support check-in groups, an art group, a lego group, movie groups, and social events.  Additional zoom groups are optional, but only available by joining the groups. Join us!   To submit an email to the podcast:    podcast@systemspeak.com Content Note:…

  • 77: Emma’s Top Ten

    Emma opens up about the ways Mother’s Day has been difficult in the past (trigger warning for references to miscarriages, deceased parents, infertility, and abuse dynamics). These issues are only referenced, not described in detail. She then shares that

  • 73: Emma Goes to Therapy

    Emma reflects on therapy.  She talks about learning to accept the others.  She talks about the overlap of memory time and now time.  She shares an experience of sensing one of the others inside, in a safe way. You can JOIN THE COMMUNITY HERE.  We have peer support check-in groups, an art group, a lego…

  • 70: Emma Misses Therapy

    Emma talks about being busy to avoid therapy.  She shares about only feeling safe with her family, and not having support outside the family.  She shares about feeling panic that they will lose her therapist.  She talks about feeling like the lights inside go out when she can’t see her therapist, and when she feels…

  • 69: Guest: Robert Oxnam

    After trying for months to connect, Dr. E finally gets to talk with Robert Oxnam, who wrote the book “A Fractured Mind”. He opens the interview asking her questions, which gives us all a rare glimpse into her own perspective throughout the interview. Sh

  • 61: Trusting our Therapist, Trusting the Process

    We share therapy updates and how we know we are making progress. You can JOIN THE COMMUNITY HERE.  We have peer support check-in groups, an art group, a lego group, movie groups, and social events.  Additional zoom groups are optional, but only available by joining the groups. Join us!   To submit an email to…

  • 58: The Attic

    JohnMark talks about therapy with him and Sarah. He talks about feeling the little girls fear when he gets close to them. Talks about there being reasons it’s hard to talk about hard things. Also mentions body memories, dead parents, and holding now time while also looking at memory time. Talks about not being to…

  • 54: Guest: DissociaDID

    We interview YouTube Content Creator DissociaDID. You can JOIN THE COMMUNITY HERE.  We have peer support check-in groups, an art group, a lego group, movie groups, and social events.  Additional zoom groups are optional, but only available by joining the groups. Join us!   To submit an email to the podcast:    podcast@systemspeak.com Content Note:…