130: Guest: Cathy Kezelman, MD (Blue Knot Foundation)

System Speak: Dissociative Identity Disorder ( Multiple Personality Disorder ), Complex Trauma , and Dissociation
System Speak: Dissociative Identity Disorder ( Multiple Personality Disorder ), Complex Trauma , and Dissociation
130: Guest: Cathy Kezelman, MD (Blue Knot Foundation)

We welcome Dr. Cathy Kezelman, President of Australia’s Blue Knot Foundation National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma.  She shares about the Blue Knot Foundation, and tells us the story of her own journey from survivor to advocate.  She announces the release of the 2019 Practice Guidelines for Clinical Treatment of Complex Trauma, which will be explores further in a future interview with the co-author of the guidelines.  This episode has a trigger warning for reference to suicidal ideation, but no direct experiences or specific trauma details are disclosed.

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Content Note: Content on this website and in the podcasts is assumed to be trauma and/or dissociative related due to the nature of what is being shared here in general.  Content descriptors are generally given in each episode.  Specific trigger warnings are not given due to research reporting this makes triggers worse.  Please use appropriate self-care and your own safety plan while exploring this website and during your listening experience.  Natural pauses due to dissociation have not been edited out of the podcast, and have been left for authenticity.  While some professional material may be referenced for educational purposes, Emma and her system are not your therapist nor offering professional advice.  Any informational material shared or referenced is simply part of our own learning process, and not guaranteed to be the latest research or best method for you.  Please contact your therapist or nearest emergency room in case of any emergency.  This website does not provide any medical, mental health, or social support services.

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