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Emma talks about homework about grounding. She talks about triggers and now time versus memory time. She references a time after therapy when she smelled fire in the fields from seasonal burning and kept crying. She also talks about feeling uncomfortable with having her picture taken and walking past a group of men. You…
JohnMark talks about therapy with him and Sarah. He talks about feeling the little girls fear when he gets close to them. Talks about there being reasons it’s hard to talk about hard things. Also mentions body memories, dead parents, and holding now time while also looking at memory time. Talks about not being to…
Sasha and The Husband talk about therapy. You can JOIN THE COMMUNITY HERE. We have peer support check-in groups, an art group, a lego group, movie groups, and social events. Additional zoom groups are optional, but only available by joining the groups. Join us! To submit an email to the podcast:…